Saturday, April 17, 2010

More rambling updates..

Yup, the title says it all. More of me (Nicki!) rambling about life. Life, which I'm not going to waste my time defining... has been a little harsh. Harsh, harsh, harsh. Noticeably, we changed the header. Yay! I like the new one.. it says more about us. I won't go on about the whole "harsh" part, unless you want me to ramble about Camille's social life, and how it's taking a nosedive.. I'm being very vague, yes. Well, Camille celebrated her birthday this past Thursday, April 15th. Her sister gave her the Miga and Quatchi Olympic mascot key-chain-plush. Now she has all four mascots.. she's very happy about that. She got a set of oil paints.. although we'll probably never see them, since she's not allowed to use them in her bedroom. Blah.. Other than the fact that Camille just went through a whole boxed set of books this past week, and the new Lisi Harrison 'Alphas' novel, and that she had Cross Country team runoffs. She got slammed into a wall while she tried to punch someone while running. I've learned that cross country is a very violent sport.. Huh.
And, the meet is on Monday. Speaking of meets, Camille's on her school swim team, but they drained the pool where the competition's supposed to be.
And, Glee is on air again. That, if you haven't heard of it, is the coolest thing since Percy Jackson & the Olympians and Harry Potter and paintbrushes...
And, I am rambling again. So I'll just finish here with a prologue Camille wrote.
--- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --------- -------
The world was numb. It spun too fast, too slow. It could overwhelm a tidal wave of memories. The heat was penetrating, burning through flesh. I could hear screams. Yells. Sirens wailing.
Fiery sparks of flame flashed before my eyes, destroying all that blocked its path. The paramedics yelled, pulling stretchers, screaming orders. I could feel a cold, numbing pain. It felt like death. I looked at the girl on the stretcher, her face rendered unrecognizable by the angry flames. She looked so familiar.
Then it dawned on me.
It wasn't stranger.
I was the girl lying on the stretcher; edging towards death.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the new header :)
    Sorry that life is being a little harsh right about now. We know what you mean.
    Beautiful photos, and that prologue is great.
