Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tin Foil Moons and Portfolios

This is part of my portfolio for a school I'm auditionning for. I thought this photo looked pretty
cool out of all of them. This piece is of an Imaginative Creature, the background is of a night sky;
which consists of a tin foil moon, a charcoal pencil tree, and the sky is done in blue watercolour. It was supposed to be mixed-media, as you can see. The rest of the painting/piece is multicoloured flowers surrounding the bottom of the tree, a small rocky pond-ish-pool-of-water; which is done with watercolours. The creature... is the head of an eagle, done in acrylics, except with a gray beak and gray plumage, a bat's wing-- done in charcoal pencils, a parrot wing, the hind legs of a lion, a dragon's tail in oil pastels, and front legs-- are eagle feet.
It's not that good a painting, anyway. But it's pretty good in my opinion.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


This is my first post.. I'll tell you a bit about myself.
I write books, and one day, I'd like to be a published author. I like the colour purple, any tone of it. I have a passion for Visual Art... I like the other arts, but... I suck at them.
I like to run, a lot. I have a cat(s), his (their) name(s) is(are) Max (and Pud). Some people say I'm kind of cat crazy. I guess I have to agree there.
I do photography too. I'm not very good, though.
So that's me, I guess.