Friday, December 31, 2010


I realize now that I haven't posted in more than two months. Wow. So, anyway, a lot has changed since I last posted. Well, not really that much. I got a new camera; the Canon Rebel T1i, which I'm really pleased with. But my computer (sadly), in my dad's words, is slowly "going kaput"... I'm not sure how exactly this is happening, but the keyboard stopped working, followed by the monitor, so we're backing up the computer. There's three more days left in my holiday, and I have a week's worth of homework to do (sigh...). Anyways, it's new years eve, so that's good. Approximately four months and sixteen days until my birthday..
Anyways, here's a bit of a story I'm writing. I'm not sure where it fits in exactly.. but here it is.
Winter Lights
The snowflakes spiralled from the sky, landing on Lillian's hair and eyelashes. She hummed quietly to herself as she dodged around the busy holiday shoppers. Seven days until Christmas, and the crowded sidewalks were busier than ever. She hunched under the weight of her bag, which was crammed with heavy books, and kept walking. It was a difficult business, walking, because Lillian was small, and therefore was stepped on more often than not. Lillian did not very much like walking home this late, but it was better than being at home.
Lights flashed and danced in a flurry of colours, but Lillian did not have time to stop and watch. Like so many others, Lillian didn't have time for much more than work. She was barely scraping up halfway decent marks in most of her subjects, and most days, she wished, were already over. Lillian sighed as she passed the carefree ice skaters in the park, and desperately wished to join them. They spun and leaped like dancers, whereas Lillian only felt like a sad, dusty marionette.
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I love the story! I can't wait to read more!
