Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time Travel

I really ought to have posted sooner, but I guess that just forget. What usually happens, though, is that I start a blog post, and I'm halfway done, then I think "Wow, this sounds really stupid," and delete my draft. That, and my procrastination issues are what been causing my blog post delay. That sounds a bit weird, but it's true. I'm looking at my hockey schedule, and just about gaping. There are 11 teams in my 'loop' and 35 teams in my division. Oh wow. I am so frustrated that this team is not in my loop. Because I lost Milly after a game against that team. I guess you could say that I'm obssessed with Milly, which is, pretty much, true. I'm kind of sad about Milly. I miss her. It's a little irrational though, 'cause she's a stuffed cat. But I miss her all the same. Besides Milly, I don't have much else to talk about. I intended for this to be a longer post; but it won't end up that way.. Oh well. I haven't uploaded my pictures from my trip, so all the pictures in this post are rather old.
P.S. The Title: Time Travel? Well there is quite a time difference between France and North America. France's Time Zone is several hours ahead of mine. Therefore; we did time travel to return home.


  1. That's too bad about Milly! :( I wouldn't get your hopes up, but perhaps a miracle could happen and you could find her! Hopefully. Cute pictures, and I like the time travel title, haha!

  2. You never sound stupid. I bet you'll find Milly someday. Cute pictures of her!
