Friday, February 19, 2010

February the Nineteenth

Today, Friday, February the Nineteenth, it is my friend A.'s Birthday. A very Happy Birthday to her... and Best Wishes. Moving on.... as you've noticed; my friend's Julie, my Ruthie and Nicki posted for Valentine's dayome pictures did not show up, sadly. Therefore I shall show thee. Undoubtedly, thy pictures are not amazing. In other words; I am being sligh
tly random at the moment, hmm. Well I suppose we'll continue thus far. I shall tell you about dearest Milly. [Pictured below is Milly's twin brother, Gris-Gris.] Milly, who I am slightly uncertain is possible to find now, first entered my life at the semi-annual
[Gris-Gris's Note: 'Semi' meaning sometimes every year, sometimes every two years.]
- Ganz Warehouse Sale. I was digging through an 'As is' bin, looking for plush snowmen and such trinkets. I pulled out, luckily enough, an adorable gray-and-cream kitty. I, at the time, had forgotten about Gris-Gris, who was hidden away in a time capsule created in the fourth grade. I picked her up, and could not bear to put her down, I didn't know what I would do if some hobbly oldpackrat-grandmother picked her up as a hamster-chew-toy. I went digging through some other bins and found Cinnamon, a slightly disproportianate, but still cute, little cocker-spaniel. I promptly purchased the both of them, as they were one dollar each, and so lovely.
I came to love the two of them and, to my great regrets, tookthem everywhere with me; and my camera. Seeing this... at a hockey game in a small town and hour away from my home, I lost my beloved camera. And darling Milly and Cinnamon...
So that, is my sad, tearful, story.
P.S. I've decided to try and post twice a week. I'd really appreciate it if you comment all my posts; by the way. Every month I'll do 'From the Files of HalfMoonLily', a Picture Story, I forget what else, -style posts, so please stay tuned :D.

[Gris-Gris's Note: Check the Link to HalfMoonLily's (Camille's) YouTube. She has a new video up of her artwork.]

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Delightful Valentine's Day

Hello! Camille has let us, Nicki, Ruthie & Julie, write the Valentine's Day post. We have several pictures of different things... Mia, who is holding a Sapphire blue heart pendant she was given by Jessika; Jess. Moi, Nicki. Ruthie holding some heart cut-outs... A lovely group picture, and myself, Julie. All three of us are writing this post; so it is a little confusing. There is not much the say during the celebration of love... but to love. The sounds strange, but oh well. We did have a dance at our school, but it was one with all the dollar-store decorations the school has had for years; since before the third millenia. Well, we did some other stuff, too. We got valentines; and chocolate... I think that's enough about that--- but, enjoy the slightly pink celebrations while they last... what with Cupid and Aphrodite... oh well, we're reading too much about Ancient Greece.

Love, Nicki, Julie & Ruthie.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I shriek at my mailbox

Odd title, I think. But no matter. I had an odd predicament this week. I got a letter saying that I am on the waiting list. And this because... hm. Well, Friday afternoon, [I pick the mail up from the mailbox everyday,] I reached into my mailbox and pulled out some mail. I thought I saw two bills and a magazine. The I realized one of letters said the name of the school I auditioned for. I tore it open and peered at it carefully. It did say my name, and the arts field I auditioned for. It also said accepted into the Visual Arts Program. I shrieked with delight. I was so happy.. the school I'd been wanting to attend since fourth grade has accepted me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go reread it.
-Oh, and I'm posting again tomorrow for Valentine's Day. I'd appreciate it if you commented on both posts. And, if you've heard of Rick Riordan, read his books. Or else... not really :P. I've added his blog to my blogs of interest column-place-area-whatchamacalitt. It's called 'Myth & Mystery'.
P.S. I edited out some stuff from my acceptance letter scan; school name, school board, my address, my last name, prices, school's address... and I think that's it. I'm sure it'd be quite lovely to find out that internet-stalker-persons are sending the school mail and me mail. I'm not saying that you are a stalker, you just never know.... on sait jamais.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

L'Ouragan de Travail (et Confusion)

Hello, all. (I think "all" is four followers right now, but that is a lot for me, with my slightly poor blogging skills) I think I'll try to make this post long and pictureful. Soooo, I'll start here. Blogs of interest; (I'm putting up a list with links later) Mari Luna's Wonderful Blog, American Girl Adventures, Avery-Here, Roses are Read, and, etc. And then, my schoolfriends, the Lulumelons. They make videos with some very silly puppets, "Prince" Georgie, Princess Peggy and King Eddie. It's kind of confusing sometimes, but check them out on YouTube. Speaking of which, I have a YouTube account; HalfMoonLily. The name comes from 'Lily' one of my favourite names, and 'Half Moon', a cat from "Warriors: The Power of Three" book four or five (or maybe six). And of pictures, they're all irrelevant to the post. You see Cinnamon and Milly, Claire and a Close-up picture I took. And that's...wait, as you might've noticed from my last post, I play hockey. Actually, I am la gardienne-de-but (goalie). My team got our second/first playoff shut-out today against the top team in the league. I'm getting my very own hearing aid soon, because my teammates are causing me to slowly go deaf. [They dogpile on me and scream with joy.] I'm currently overloaded with homework, too. Ugh.
-Camille, still looking for poor Milly and Cinnamon.