From the title, you can see the I've lost my only camera, which is turning three this april. It's either stolen- who knows where, in my car somewhere, or has been run over by a car. I'm hoping it's the second option, but I don't know. I have pretty bad luck. I'm also frustrated with myself on the topic, because I was going to look at my pictures on the way home from my hockey game, but decided I'd look at them at home. And I got home; then broke down in tears because Milly- a very photogenic 3" kitty was lost, too. I've been praying for the last couple days. I'm slacking on my homework :P...
As to Auditions, mine went well. We did contour drawing (I'm not saying what that is), gesture drawing (this too) and still lifes. It was cool. Then there was an interview (I had Milly with me, that's one reason I'm so attached to her) and then I went home. Hooray...
Here's a picture of Milly. I'm going to sign off now and search for Milly. As you've notice I am acting like she's my real cat.
-Camille, going to look for Milly.